I have a smidgen less than one week until Hero Bot Con and I’m knocking down each step in preparation one check mark at a time.
One of the major hurdles I have accomplished is transferring my work from notebooks, to computers, to printers, and finally to lovely heavy duty (and cost effectively tangible) prints.
These babies are limited to 33 copies each and will be available from me at the show and, depending on quantities, on this here website after everything calms down. I’ll even do a sketch on each one. Get stoked!
Now it’s time to finish my last two stencils then whip out the spray paint and get messy. If these don’t blow wind up your skirt (or kilt, if you prefer) the multi-layered array of images that will come in the next few days will.
I don’t know if I could be anymore excited about this work. Time to stop listening to The Last Starfighter‘s director commentary and whip out the X-acto knives.
Stay Ecstatic,
Ryan Zlomek