
All of my animation work is stop motion created with basic art supplies found around my house or at my local dollar store (white computer paper, pencils, sharpeners, markers, scissors, duct tape, etc.).

Unconscious Animations
I primarily work on “Unconscious Animations” which consist of me sitting at my homemade animation stand (it’s amazing what an old coffee table, two basic house lamps, and a camera can do) for between 6 and 12 hours at a time. I mindlessly draw, take a picture, erase, and draw again to see what comes out. Rather than keeping a journal to retrace my past these animations have become my ongoing historical sketchbook.

  • 16mm (December 2006, 2 minutes 58 seconds, 16mm Bolex, Silent; Transparencies, Markers, and Water) – Screened at Art Mission Theater in Binghamton, NY.
  • Another Rant (June 2007, 1 minute 56 seconds, Digital Camcorder, Silent; White Computer Paper, Pencils, Erasers, Markers) – Screened at Magic Lantern Film Festival in Waverly, NY and won award for “Most Creative Piece.” Also screened at Art Mission Theater in Binghamton, NY.
  • Failed Attempt (October 2007, 0 minutes 28 seconds, Digital Camcorder, Silent; Poster Board and Finger Paints) – Screened at Art Mission Theater in Binghamton, NY.
  • Game Over (January 2008, 1 minutes and 5 seconds, Digital Camcorder, Silent; Character Notepad, Pencils, Markers, Scissors) – Screen at Art Mission Theater in Binghamton, NY.
  • 24 Hour Experiment (September 2008, 2 minutes 8 seconds, Digital Camcorder, Silent; Living Room Window, White Computer Paper, Markers, Pencils, Erasers)
  • Hallowmation (May 2008, 2 minutes and 22 seconds, Digital Camcoder, Sound created with vinyl records and player; Computer Paper, Charcoal Sketchpad, Charcoal, Pencils, Erasers)

Failed Attempt (October 2007, silent with visual)
[flv:/video/failedattempt.flv 432 332]

Narrative Animations
Occasionally I work on animations with a more defined narrative structure. Though they still aren’t traditional cartoons they tell a story and have a specific beginning, middle, and end.

  • Broken (May 2008, 2 minutes and 25 seconds, Digital Camcorder with sound; White Computer Paper, Transparencies, Markers) A story about a boy meeting a girl in a coffee shop and the childish way he deals with rejection (sound generated by the children I worked with at the Boys And Girls Club of Binghamton).
  • Dear Australia (March 2009, 1 minute and 2 seconds, Digital Camcorder with sound; White Computer Paper, Pencils, Erasers, Scissors) A short animation discussing my trip to Australia back in 2007 and emphasizing how I can’t wait to visit again.
  • The Life Of A Lefty (In-production, Estimated Release December 2009, Digital Camcorder with sound; White Computer Paper, Pencils, Erasers) A short autobiography/documentary about life as a left handed individual.

Dear Australia (March 2009, with visual and sound)
[flv:/video/dearaustralia.flv 432 332]